Nevada Water Solutions

Typical Client Results

Water Solutions in Nevada

"Prospects don't care how good you think you are; they care about how they might benefit if they hired you." (Alan Weiss, PhD)

Client Results:
After many years of the State’s refusal to consider actual subdivision lot water use vs. dedicated water rights to those lots, even after being provided with years of compelling evidence and persuasive argument, we prevailed on appeal to the Second Judicial District Court and gained back very valuable water rights that had been tied up by the Nevada Division of Water Resources.
Consultant Input:
Provided the compelling evidence and the winning argument, as well as the application of steady effort, both to the Nevada Division of Water Resources and to the developer client, and then prepared counsel for the appeal that ultimately persuaded the District Court.

Client Results:
After being denied a domestic well waiver where community water service was available, we were still able to complete a new well for our large lot water features and fire protection and saved a ton on the water right purchase.
Consultant Input:
Identified a second willing seller of water rights at a substantial savings and effected the transfer of title, transferred the water and found the right contractor to successfully complete a 70 gallon per minute well.

Client Results:
Facing the possibility of having to plug old wells and drill new ones due to water quality concerns, or even worse facing an expensive treatment plant for our small community system, we were able to instead re-permit one of the existing wells for landscaping and outside use and re-plumb the system to be in compliance.
Consultant Input:
Found the existing consultant’s proposal to install a treatment system was unnecessary since the client simply needed to manage his existing water system in a different way and we obtained the needed permit for diversion rate only to keep the well.

Client Results:
After drilling a brand new well to supplement our surface water right and seeing the initial estimated flow rate drop from over 100 gallons per minute to less than 20, we were able to immediately call for additional well development work to settle the gravel pack and unclog the screen and bring the production back to over 220 gallons per minute.
Consultant Input:
Having worked with nearly every drilling contractor in the state, I knew whom to call to re-work the well after the initial development failed and knew that was exactly what the well needed.

Client Results:
The BLM District Office staff had neither the time nor funding to review Desert Land Entry Applications but they confirmed that we could conduct the Environmental Assessment ourselves under their direction. This got our DLEs off the back burner and provided for approval of additional time to perfect the water rights with the State Engineer. We look forward to completing the EA and getting a favorable decision from the BLM and expand our ranch by another 640 acres.
Consultant Input:
Knew the right environmental consultants that had the staff and expertise to prepare a proposal to conduct the needed baseline surveys and prepare the EA. Worked closely with BLM and State Engineer staff to build the needed relationship that will guarantee success with the agencies in their consideration of the Land Entry applications and preventing the water rights from being cancelled.